It was a Roadside Picnic (2021) Launching on New Art City and SPUR platform; Physical Exhibition at QUAD and D-Unit
Co-producers: Salma Noor and Helen Starr Co-curators: Kinnari Saraiya and Helen Starr Architectural strategy and design: Benjamin Hall Modelling: Nick Delap & Benjamin Hall Sound: Brandon Covington Sam Sumana Artists: Kinnari Saraiya, Benjamin Hall, Nuka Nayu, Nicholas Delap, Salma Noor, Megan Broadmeadow Breathing App Consultant and Advisor: Dr. Ash Ranpura (Neurologist)
Project Proposal:
In 2020 Punjabi curator Amrita Dhallu, Afro-Somali artist Salma Noor and Afro-Carib curator and producer Helen Starr began a conversation around shared indigenous connections. These were topics such as, ancestral way-making, rituals as embodied technology and the limits of the known laws of Nature. As they rooted themselves in their subaltern histories, a new post-human perspective emerged. That their embodied memories, their ancestral selves exist in Long Time before1492. 1492 is simply a marker for extractive capitalism. Aeons before, The Dufaan Ciideed, a sandstorm entity had colonised the Earth. She rises from the Sub Saharan desert and flows, across the sky, like a river in an Ocean. She brings the monsoons of India, nutrients to the Caribbean soil and heralds Spring in China.
A picture containing altar, dining table Description automatically generated Kinnari Saraiya joined in 2021 to co-curate It was a Roadside Picnic - a group exhibition that expands on psychogeography themes while reinstating it as a concept coined by an illiterate Algerian. There is no auteur in this Web 3.0, artist made, immersive collaboration. This multiplayer virtual space focuses on co-presence as horizons shift and universes overlay each other. Artist-parts interacting in a wider whole - a Spivakian Worlding.
This world centres on an ancient ruin built around the principles of vāstu śāstra. A traditional system of architecture originating in India, in it, architectural constructions are living organisms and they behave like human beings. Like the living beings, they vibrate and pulsate; they breathe.
It houses a breathing device whose pulsating rhythm will reset your body to a state of calm. Slower rhythms, slower breathing, slower theta time - a state of being rather than thinking.